703  Theory Development in Social Sciences
Aging, homeless, and the working class and poor. Students will get an advanced working knowledge of the physical reactions to Aging. They will be able to identify and differentiate getting old v.s. stressed out with the constant thought of dying soon. Bible verses applied.
710  Advanced Research I   Family and Child Welfare
704  Comparative Theories of Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families Related to Alcohol and Drug Abuse

711  Advanced Research II  Child Abuse related to Drugs and Alcohol Use at Home.

740  Area Specialization Seminar I Consultation and Collaboration/Community Counseling Needs.
 Participants will get a complete understanding of a system of diversity of problems plaguing the community such as depression caused by lack of community participation when in desperate need of counseling. Educate these groups with different services and/or interpersonal stressors.  Bible verses applied.

741  Area Specialization Seminar II  Organizational Change Related to Counseling Groups.
 Participants will be able to apply various techniques to different changes and developments in community organizations their particular situation of developmental maturation and about individuals social learning to shape their personalities in order to maintain their health and provide effective treatment and health using Counseling Groups. Bible verse applied.

711  Advanced Research III   Ethical-Legal Issues/Disasters

750  Social Work Education   Forensic Mental Health
Participants will focus on the understanding and causes of social malfunction: to be included is sexual abuse and/or dysfunctional families. Different criminal community groups, concentrating counseling groups affected emotionally by disasters.  Bible verses applied.

713  Advanced Research IV Cross Cultural Studies
Students will develop a better understanding of human nature through studies of cultural similarities and differences of various ethnic groups.

780  Practicum  Advanced Generalistic Practice
Advanced family therapy choosing your own subject working with a dysfunctional family; exploration of the various roles that develop in a dysfunctional society and express your own opinion, using your own family study by way of an experimental exercise. Counseling and treatment.  Bible verse applied.

716  Dissertation Seminar Studies    Self-awareness and personal growth assessment. Extensive study of one of your own subjects and your personal growth. Demonstrate understanding your personal building blocks, in regard to your own feelings and growth related to your career, self-esteem, anger, depression if any. Bible verse applied.

723  Social Policy: Process, Product, and Performance   Community Organizations Student will develop a thesis statement on theories of spiritual healing involving different ethnic groups and/or whole community. This could include battered wives, domestic violence victims, and rape survivors.

714  Electives   Counseling on Developmental Disabilities or Family and Severe Mental Illnesses

717  Dissertation Completed
