The Barren Fig Tree

by Frank Pesile

From a fig tree that looked sound,
Was no fruit that could be found.
For 3 years there was no fruit upon the tree,
So the vineyard keeper was told.
By the man with words so cold,
To cut it down, it has no value to me.

Then The vineyard keeper said,
It's alive - it can't be dead.
I will dig, and prune, and fertilize the soil,

So that you might change your mind,
When next year you will find,
This fig tree with fruit so ripe and sound.

Then The vineyard keeper said,
It's alive - it can't be dead.
I will dig, and prune, and fertilize the soil,

So that you might change your mind,
When next year you will find,
This fig tree with fruit so ripe and sound.

And if not, then you can cut the fig tree down.
It's so sad, that there's no fruit that can be found!

©1998 St. Michael Press Publishing Co., Inc.
