This Grand Priory recalls the eternally valid values of Christian Chivalry, Christian Culture, and Ecumenism. Therefore it forms part of the historical heritage of Religious-Chivalric Orders with a particular significant reference to the most ancient and eminent Greek Orthodox Order of The Holy Sepulchre.
Along with the devotion to the Holy Sepulchre, the Grand Priory of St. Michael International highly regards the Ecumenical Movement surrounding the unity of the Chalice in high esteem in its utmost reverence along with the recognition of the saints depicted in our most holy icons. St. Michael International Grand Priory embraces the Hospitaller code of charity, which emanated from the earliest Crusaders including those founded by the Roman Emperor Constantine, The Great, son of Saint Helen, she discovered the Holy Sepulchre and found the Holy Cross on which Jesus Christ was Crucified and Died.
Considering the influence of Constantine the Great upon the Ecclesiastical matters of the Church, leaves no doubt that this Order was also recognized by the Church.
An Invitation By His Eminence
I am the Knight Grand Cross and Grand Priory of St. Michael International and the Order of the Holy Sepulchre (O.S.S.) Orthodox Priory in America. As such I have authority to grant knighthood within this most ancient order, established by the Emperor Constantine in 324 A.D. This ecumenical order historically had as its mission to protect pilgrims in their journey to the empty tomb. Today the mission is spiritual and unites Christians of all denominations in the common belief and proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
All Orthodox, Protestants, and Catholic Chalice believing Christians who desire to join in and become knights to promote the ecumenical movement of the Lord Jesus Christ and fulfill His prayer of unity as recorded in the Gospel of Saint John, chapter 17 verse 21, “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us….”, please email me at: Contact Us or visit our website at
To achieve full membership into the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, an associate member must volunteer their time for worthy causes. All members must be recommended through their local Priory. Affiliation with a local Priory during this period will facilitate study and acquaint the associate member with the general work of O.S.S. in his or her area. In the Grand Priory of St. Michael International completion of the Associates or Bachelor of Theology program of study is required but life experience may be considered and replace academic achievement requirements.
The time spent as an associate member is a time for reflection and prayer to discern if this is a path to which you are called. After at least six months as an associate member, an associate member may apply to an O.S.S. official for induction into the Order of the Holy Sepulchre as a full member. Full Members are also eligible to vote and hold office. Membership entitles the person to a voice in the internal affairs of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre.
The highest rank, that of Grand Cross, is an exceptional award – less than nine US citizens have received this honor in the past twenty-two years with the latest being, +Metropolitan Archbishop Haralambos, Primate of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Autocephalic Church in Exile, Blessings of Kiev, Grand Prior and Chevalier of the Order of Holy Sepulchre (O.S.S.) Orthodox Priory in America, Ordinis Sancti Gregorii Magni e Classe Militari Eligimvs Eqvitem a Magna Cruce. Pope Benedict XVI on Sept 17, 2005 gave His Eminence + Metropolitan Archbishop Haralambos, the Vatican Devotion Cross of St.
Thank-you and God Bless You,
+Metropolitan Archbishop Haralambos, Primate of the Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Autocephalic Church in Exile, Blessings of Kiev, Grand Prior Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Holy Sepulchre (O.S.S.), Grand Priory of St. Michael International His Eminence is Grand Prior Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Holy Sepulchre (O.S.S.), which is the most ancient and glorious Chivalric Order in the world.
His Eminence +Metropolitan Archbishop Haralambos is the first Orthodox Christian to have ever received the medal of the Knight Grand Cross of the First Class.