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St. Michael Academy Orthodox Bible College
by Father Petros Maeyens Th.D.
Presbyter, Saint Michael Orthodox Church
In this thesis we will look at the Passover verses the Lord's Supper. Did Jesus celebrate the traditional Passover meal before His betrayal by Judas or did Jesus celebrate an "agape" meal, a meal of total love, with His disciples?
First, I'm sure some of you reading this may have some preconceived ideas or teachings from other ministers or teachers regarding this subject. Let me assure you, what you are about to read may shake your very foundation of theology. But first, let's look at something very interesting on how we may perceive our reality.
After reading the following statement, count the number of times the letter "F" is used:
How many letter "F's" did you find? 2 or 3?
How about 6 !!!
Look at the words "OF", it appears three times.
Isn't it amazing how the brain skips over those words?
Could this be a result of conditioning? It's the same kind of conditioning when we are "brainwashed" to think a certain way. These thoughts, if continually reinforced, will become "tracks" or "ruts" in your mind. Then when the "truth" comes to you, you will reject it if it is contrary to the way you were taught. You will actually defend your position without even knowing why, but you are driven to defend what you were taught at all costs, even if it is wrong, because your ego is under attack.
Have you ever ridden a bicycle down a path and got the wheels caught in a rut? You can't help but follow it; the rut seems to take control of the bike. If you try to pull out of the rut, you would most likely crash, but there does come a time when you must pull out of the rut or face disaster.
In our process of "theosis", which is the process GOD uses to change you to think like He does, we have many opportunities to receive error or false doctrines into our souls. To affirm this statement, remember that not everybody who knew Jesus was accepted by Him. He said to one group of believers, "Depart, for I never knew you." If they knew His teachings and did miracles in His name, why would He say "Depart"? There must be something wrong with people if the Lord would not accept them. Could it be, the people not accepted by the Lord didn't have the Holy Spirit in them? All they had was religion or tradition and not the loving relationship with their Creator.
The only way to overcome this trap and be free to believe the truth, is for GOD to intervene and miraculously deliver your mind from that stronghold. The same may apply in this thesis you are about to read. May the Holy Spirit be your teacher and bring confirmation to your spirit as you begin your journey. God Bless you.
To begin this story, we must go back in time about 4,300 years to the first Passover and when it was being instituted in the land of Egypt.
The chosen people of GOD, found themselves in slavery because their numbers had grown so large they had become a threat to the nation of Egypt. Pharaoh ordered the drowning of all the male babies to slow down the increasing population of the Hebrews. This may have been the first recorded Jewish holocaust. The people were in bondage to Pharaoh for some 430 years, in which they suffered under the whip of the taskmasters to construct buildings for the King of Egypt. Moses, a Hebrew by birth and also one of the very few who escaped Pharaoh's death sentence, eventually became the number-two man in all of Egypt. He was Pharaoh's right hand-man, which was another miracle wrought by the Lord God who foreknew He would use Moses to deliver His people from slavery. As Moses began to discover his true identity--a Hebrew by birth--he realized his people were slaves to a nation that didn't recognize the right to exist freely. Moses saw his people day after day being treated very badly he decided something had to be done about it. One day, Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew; he tried to break it up, but ended up killing the Egyptian. Word got out on what Moses had done, so he fled the country into the wilderness. He spent some forty years in the wilderness laying low and hoping they would forget.
One day while Moses was pasturing a flock of sheep, he encountered a "burning bush". The odd thing about this bush was, it was not consumed by the fire. Maybe this is what really got his attention. In the bush the Lord spoke to him about the deliverance of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt. The Lord told Moses to go back to Pharaoh and tell him to "Let my people go". The Lord would also provide his brother, Aaron to assist him in dealing with Pharaoh.
Moses was obedient to what the Lord had called him to do and returned to Egypt with his brother. They appeared before Pharaoh and asked him to "Let my people go". Pharaoh's heart was hardened and it took 10 plagues to be brought upon the people of Egypt before he would change his mind. On the night of the tenth and most terrible plague, the Passover was instituted that very evening. The Lord told Moses to instruct the people to apply lamb's blood to the door posts and lintels of each house, so the Death Angel would "Passover" that household. If the house wasn't marked out by lamb's blood, the first born of each household would be killed. The lamb they used had to be a special lamb; no defect or mark was allowed. It had to be a perfect substitute sacrifice. The lamb was the most important part of the meal that night, for you see, it was the lamb's blood that protected you from death and provided the only way out of bondage. The whole process of selecting and killing a lamb, applying its blood to the door was a total act of faith. If you didn't do this exactly as directed, you would die. Can you imagine what all the Egyptian's must have thought or said to each other when they saw the Jews killing lambs and painting the doors of their houses with the blood? They probably thought it was silly or saw no value in it. It's like today, when people accept the Lord and repent by applying the "true blood" to their "house". The world (Egyptians) think it's silly or unnecessary to become a Christian. But "Judgment Day" is coming and the Lord will dispatch His mighty Angels to harvest the souls. The wheat (believers) and the tares (unbelievers) will be harvested. The wheat will be stored in the barn (heaven) and the tares will burned in the fire (hell).
On that first Passover, the lamb was selected and killed, blood was collected in a bowl and applied to the door posts and lintel of the house with a branch of hyssop, which is a feathery plant. It appears this could have been the first time a bloody cross as painted by a Jew but it wouldn't be the last. Imagine if you would, you are standing at the door with a hyssop branch dripping with blood, the sun is beginning to set, you must apply the blood before the Death Angel comes. As you strike the left door post you continue to the right door post, then striking the lintel with a vertical stroke, the blood would begin to run down on to the door making a sign of a bloody cross. A silent witness of the "true cross" that was to come at Golgatha many years later.
After the house was sealed with lamb's blood, the family would stay inside and roast the slain lamb. They would eat it all and not break one of its bones further fulfilling prophecy. He keeps all his bones; Not one of them is broken. Psalm 34:20. Christ's body was not broken, which fulfilled that prophecy. Also during the meal, the family would eat unleavened bread called the "bread of affliction", and drink wine. The bread was not leavened. No yeast was used because there was no time to wait for it to rise; they had to get out of Egypt in a hurry. The wine they would drink would be red in color to remind them of the blood that was outside on the door protecting them from death.
So we see the basic elements of the Passover meal; the lamb, the bread and the wine. These elements also have symbolic meanings to the Jewish people. The Lord told the people when and how to celebrate this very holy feast. Please note; the feast day of the Passover is the real beginning of the Jewish calendar not Rosh Hashanah. In the book of Leviticus, chapter twenty three, the Lord specifically tells us that Passover is the first feast, Rosh Hashanah comes later. I ask you, why has this been changed?
Since the first Passover some 4,300 years ago and until now, it is celebrated on the fourteenth day of Nisan or fourteen days after the new moon of the spring season. The whole story of the Passover is a story of redemption and deliverance from slavery. Every year in Jewish homes around the world this story is recounted. Many foods on the table are special for this season. They help tell the story of the Exodus and keep reminding the participants what they were saved from, "slavery". The most important food served was the lamb. This innocent creature gave up his life so the first born child in homes marked by the blood would be safe. The lamb's shed blood, when applied to the people's homes, would prevent judgment from falling on them. Also on the table, red wine was used as a symbol of the lamb's blood. During the evening, four cups of wine would be consumed. The first was called the "kiddush" in which the father or leader of the service would make sure all things were in order to begin the holy feast. The second cup was called the "cup of plagues". The contents of this cup was spilled one drop at a time into a white plate, recounted each of the ten plagues brought upon Egypt by Pharaoh's hardened heart. The third cup was called the "cup of redemption" which spoke of the deliverance from slavery. The fourth was the "cup of praise", which was prepared for Elijah the prophet who was expected to come at any time during the Passover season to announce the coming of the Messiah. Today in Jewish homes, a lamb is not used. Only a shank bone of a lamb is placed on the Seder plate as a remembrance of the past, when they had a temple in Jerusalem. Are they breaking the very law they profess to keep? Could GOD have removed the lamb from the Passover so they would search for the true Lamb of GOD?
Another food used was the unleavened bread, or bread of affliction which contained no leaven. During the exodus, there was no time to let the bread rise because the people had to get out in a hurry.
As the Passover developed year after year, the story of the Exodus was told to the younger generation by the father or spiritual leader of the family. The youngest member of the family would ask the four questions about why was this night so very different from all other nights. Then the father would recount the bitterness of slavery, the ten plagues, the lamb sacrificed, the blood applied, the exodus from Egypt and the passing through the Red Sea on dry land.
In the New Testament we see that Saint Paul referred to Jesus as being our Passover. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed, 1 Cor. 5:7. There are many shadows and types of Christ revealed in the Passover that speak of a substitute sacrifice and a deliverer for Israel. Let's look at some of these types:
The lamb had to be spotless and without blemish. This is a type that speaks of a perfect sacrifice with no stain of sin. Jesus fulfills this requirement by not having an earthly father to pass on the curse of the sin nature. Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel, Isaiah 7:14.
The lamb's blood had to be applied to the house so it would protect the people inside from judgment. This type indicates people who are marked out in the true lamb's blood. "Christ's blood" will be safe from the judgment to come, if you are indeed in communion with the Lord. To be in communion is to believe in the "chalice" and to do His commandments because all of the New Testament is contained in the "chalice". This cup is the new covenant in My blood... I Cor. 11:25.
All of the above descriptions speak of Jesus Christ. He is the true Lamb of God, the perfect substitute sacrifice who went willingly to Golgotha to be offered up for us. He has delivered us from being slaves to sin. Before Christ comes into persons they cannot help but be a slave to sin. But those who have the Lord in their hearts can stand against sin and not be its slave. We have been freed from the power of sin, His blood has paid for all of our sin, past, present and future. That is powerful blood!!! Indeed, no one else's blood could satisfy God the Father only the blood of Christ!!!
I don't know if the Jews recognized Christ in the Passover before His death, burial and resurrection, but surely many realized it afterwards. Especially the people who were there to hear St. Peter preach on that first Pentecost Sunday and read Saint Paul's epistle to the Corinthians, when he proclaimed, "Christ is our Passover." It's hard for gentiles to understand this statement, unless they have been schooled in the traditions of the Jewish faith; but the Jews have no excuse. Every time they sit down to celebrate this feast, they are proclaiming the attributes of Christ. To deny the shadows and types of Christ in the Passover may be near the edge of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. This is especially true, since the Holy Spirit was sent as the comforter and a teacher after Christ ascended into heaven. He has a mission to do on this earth, which is to draw people to the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. To know the truth in your heart and lie against it because of tradition or family pressure or a peer group is a serious matter. The Lord says He will send a deluding spirit into these kind of people, so they can never believe the truth. They will believe a lie and will be lost forever. And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding spirit so that they might believe what is a lie, 2 Thess. 2:11. This is a result of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. A person cannot even be prayed for if they blaspheme the Holy Spirit. They have become a total enemy of God and have aligned themselves with Satan.
Now let's turn to the portion of Scripture where the Lord is ordaining the sacrament of Holy communion. We read in Matthew 26, the disciples were in preparation for the Passover. Jesus said during this time of the season He wanted most earnestly to eat this Passover with them. He knew what season it was in regards to His Father's timing. Jesus knew this would be the meal He would ordain the Lord's Supper and afterwards go to the Mount of Olives and be betrayed by one of His own disciples named Judas. Then He would continue through the mock trial and stand before Pilate in the morning for the order to be crucified. Jesus knew that now was the season to become the sin bearer, the propitiation for all mankind that was so desperately needed. He would actually be the Lamb sacrificed during this season. Note that no other feast in the Jewish calendar would do; only this feast of Passover.
That evening Jesus and His Disciples gathered in the upper room. After supper He held up bread in His holy and blameless hands and said, "This is my Body which is broken for you for the remission of sins." In like manner He held up a cup of wine and said, "This is my blood of the new testament." At no other time in history had this ever been done by the Lord and He only did it once. He was creating something new for His church. The Lord knew he would return to heaven and wanted to provide a way for His children to remember what would happen the next day at Calvary.
If you'll notice in Matthew, chapter 26, during the meal, only bread and wine are talked about. Nothing was said about the lamb, which is considered the most important element in an orthodox Jewish Passover service. Remember, without the lamb there would be no blood. This is one reason I believe Jesus didn't celebrate a Passover meal, but had an Agape meal "a Love Feast" before His journey to the cross. In the Gospel of John, chapter 13 through chapter 17, Jesus reveals some of the most precious and deepest truths, truth only His closest brethren were permitted to hear. Jesus wasn't wasting His breath when He taught them that night. The Lord even washed their feet, as an example of how to serve one another. John chapter 13 speaks about it being before the Feast of Passover when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. This is another piece of evidence indicating the Lord's Supper is not the same as the Passover.
Yet another fact in Scripture which indicates Jesus couldn't have celebrated the Passover meal, takes place after they had eaten the supper and taken "Holy Communion". Judas went out to do what he had to do, which was to betray the Lord. When he left, the disciples looked at each other thinking he was going out to buy things for "the feast" tomorrow, indicating the Passover had not yet occurred.
Further evidence revealed in the Gospel of John, chapter 18 verse 28, indicates the Jews wouldn't enter into Pilate's headquarters the next day, so as not to defile themselves and still be able to eat the Passover, indicating future tense. 1 In John 19:14, Christ was standing before Pilate and it was the day of Preparation for the Passover, the meal hadn't been eaten yet. It wouldn't be eaten until the evening; remember all Jewish feasts begin in the evening at sundown according to the law of the Torah. ...from evening to evening you shall keep you Sabbath. Leviticus 23:32.
Looking back on the night when Jesus held up bread and proclaimed it His body, He held up risen bread and not unleavened bread. This is proven by the Greek word "artos", which means risen and comes from the root word "airon" meaning "to rise". If Jesus would have been celebrating a Holy Feast of Passover and had used leavened bread, He would have broken the law and sinned. In the Passover, only unleavened bread is allowed. The Jews are so exact about purging out the leaven, that today they completely clean out the kitchen of all leaven to make it "kosher". To add some fun to this practice, the father plays a game with the children, called the "spoon and the feather". The father places some leavened bread crumbs around the kitchen and the children must find these crumbs. Upon finding them, the daddy sweeps the crumbs onto the spoon with the feather. Then they take the crumbs outside and burn them in a fire, totally destroying any possibility of the crumbs getting back into the house. This is a beautiful picture of purging out the leaven or sin in your life to get ready to receive the King of all, the precious Lamb of God, Jesus the Christ.
On the night when Jesus met with His disciples in the upper room, He taught them many precious truths and He washed their feet. If this would have been an Orthodox Jewish Passover, it would have taken far too long. A normal Passover would last about six hours from start to finish. There wouldn't have been enough time to do all of these things and still get to the Garden to pray before being arrested.
I submit to you for your examination, while the Jews were eating the Passover lamb the next evening, the "real Lamb of God" was being sacrificed on the cross. This was so profound, the sky darkened, a tremendous earthquake occurred, graves gave up the dead and the veil in the temple was rent from top to bottom. As Jesus spoke out from the cross, "It is finished", He had accomplished His mission of being the substitute sin sacrifice for all of mankind. To the Jews first, then to the gentiles who would, by faith, trust and accept in their hearts the mighty work God had done through His Son, Jesus Christ, thereby establishing salvation and peace with their Creator.
In my early days of teaching the Word of God, I would instruct people in the shadows and types of Christ in the Passover. There was nothing wrong or contrary in my teaching the types of Christ in this Feast, but I would include through my ignorance, Jesus instituting the Lord's Supper. Since my recent research in this subject, I must recant my position. Jesus had created a completely new sacrament that night. The Lord's Supper cannot come from the Passover because of the Scriptures I have referenced in the Gospel of John. We need to eat the manna from heaven, not the old manna of the old testament. Eating the old manna as the Hebrews did in the wilderness will not bring life, only death. Only the new manna that comes from Jesus Christ brings eternal life. He and He alone is that manna that comes down from heaven. Those who eat of this manna will never die, but will be raised up on the last day. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves. John 6:53.
In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, all the places where it speaks of the Last Supper, risen bread is used. If the Scriptures would have wanted us to use unleavened bread, then the Greek word, "adzomus" would have been used, but it wasn't. The only Christian church today that I know of that is using risen bread instead of unleavened bread is the Holy Orthodox Church. It is the only church that lines up with Scripture the most accurately. The Orthodox church has not changed since the Apostle Andrew started it almost 2,000 years ago. As a matter of historical fact, the Catholic Church used to be a part of the Holy Apostolic Church until the Great Schism of 1054 AD, when differing doctrines caused a split. One of the doctrines that played a part in the split was the use of unleavened bread verses leavened bread in the Eucharist. Since the split, all of the differing Christian denominations that have formed, have broken away from the Catholic Church, spawning the Protestant denominations, of which there are thousands. Can this division be pleasing to the Lord? It seems that this same spirit that caused a division with the Lord's disciples in chapter 6 of the Gospel of John, caused a division within the once united Apostolic Church. The result we see today is the Catholic Church in the west (Rome) and the Orthodox Church in the east (Istanbul). I am not trying to split hairs on this issue of using leavened bread, but if the Holy Communion is one of the most important sacraments given by the Lord, then why don't we do it exactly as the Lord did it with His disciples?
The use of risen bread also proclaims the resurrection of Christ by the fact of it being risen. It's a picture of the Christ that has risen from the dead and returned to the throne in all power and glory and is seated at the Father's right hand. In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13 verse 33, Jesus likened the Kingdom of God to leaven. Most of us believe that leaven is a picture of sin but, this is the leaven of man. What Jesus was talking about was the leaven of God, which is perfect. In Heaven there is no disagreement and there will never be. The lump has been made holy by GOD's leaven and it is incorruptible. In John 21:13, Jesus is feeding His apostles fish and bread. The Greek word used is "artos" which is risen bread. Also in Luke 24:30 Jesus is about to eat dinner with some friends He met on the road to Emmaus; again the word is "artos". If these two events were not Passover events, then the bread used would be risen bread. My point is this-- the word "artos" is used both for communion and non-Passover events, indicating it is the same kind of bread. Why do most of the Christian churches use unleavened bread? Have they been mislead into using elements not ordained by the Lord? How about using grape juice instead of wine? Didn't the Lord use wine?
If we want to be pleasing to our King, then shouldn't we do this sacrament with accuracy? I don't believe this should be treated lightly. 2 In the year 1231, monks on the island of Cyprus, refused to use unleavened bread in the communion and were put in prison for three years, and banned from celebrating the Eucharist until they followed the tradition of the western church. These brave monks knew the truth and did not compromise in their belief. Of course some churches believe it's only a symbol and that the elements do not change into the Body and Blood of Christ. The Catholic church does believe in the Body and Blood of Christ, but still uses unleavened bread. Why? I believe the Orthodox church is pleasing the Lord more in this area than other churches that believe the Communion is only a symbolic act. If the communion is only a symbol, then why did St. Paul warn us, For this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number sleep. 1 Cor. 11:30.
The basic Protestant belief is the Lord's Supper is only a symbol and take it to remember what Christ did for us at Calvary. I'm sure any "born again" Christian remembers what happened at Calvary without taking communion, so it seems that there could be more to this than just a symbol. Could it be that in the first century of Christianity the seeds were sown by the Devil to bring in the apostasy of the Holy Communion? Paul even spoke about the spirit of iniquity being alive and well in the first century church as described in 2nd Epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 2, verse 7. In the Gospel of John, he talks about some disciples not walking with Jesus anymore because they didn't believe in His flesh being the true food and His blood being the true drink. Jesus asked his twelve apostles, "You do not want to go away also do you?" Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." It appears the disciples who did not walk with Jesus anymore did not have the words of eternal life, nor did they have faith to please the Lord. When they left the presence of the Lord I believe those disciples did not stop talking about His teachings or the miracles He performed. They probably continued to teach almost the whole Gospel, but they left out the most important part, next to salvation, which is Holy Communion, ordained by the Lord Himself. Please remember what Saint Paul said, "If anyone preaches another gospel than the one I preach, let him be accursed."
This beautiful gift given to us by the Lord brings us close to Him in a way the world cannot understand. That's why it's called one of the mysteries of our faith. He went into heaven to present Himself to the Father and poured His blood on the true mercy seat in the Holy of Holies in the true Tabernacle of God. It was the tabernacle that wasn't made with human hands. After the Lord's resurrection, Mary thought Jesus to be a gardener and inquired of Him who had taken the body of the Lord. When she looked into His eyes, she realized it was the risen Lord. She reached out to touch Him, but He told her not to touch me for "I have not yet ascended to my Father who is in Heaven." Jesus had to go into heaven and present Himself to the Father and leave His blood on the Mercy Seat. The Lord knew we frail humans would need such a gift to keep us going. We are bombarded on every side by the enemy and tempted every day by sin of which our flesh usually yields. If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 1 John 1:8.
This necessary sacrament of Holy Communion is brought to the "faithful" by the power of the Holy Spirit. When the priest prays and asks that the bread and the wine be changed into the body and blood of Jesus Christ, it is the highest form of worship and praise in which a faithful believer can participate. Since the Holy Spirit is the power, and the exercising of our faith is the obedience in the changing of the elements, then is the Holy Spirit of God being blasphemed by those who do not believe? Jesus told us, if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we could move mountains. If we have enough faith, can't the elements be changed? Isn't this true worship and doesn't our Father seek true worshippers?
In the Scripture we read of only one cup the Lord used to give His disciples communion. Then why do some churches hand out little cups filled with grape juice, calling it a picture of Christ's blood. I believe this to be an aberration unto the Lord. Jesus said, "If you do not eat the flesh of the son of Man and drink His blood, you will have no life in you." At first, I had no real problem with the difference between the Orthodox Church and the Protestant Church. But, the more I studied the Scripture, the more the Lord revealed there is only one right way to believe. We are either in the camp of the disciples who could not hear the words of the Lord and walked with Him no more, or we are fellow believers with the original apostles who believed in the Holy Chalice. I'm sure the disciples who walked no more with the Lord continued to teach of "His Ways" and may even started their own denominations. With each generation, more and more denominations sprang from these until today we have a "hodge-podge" called Christianity. Thousands of different denominations have sprung from the Catholic church since her split from the one Holy Apostolic Church. It's not uncommon to hear that people are confused about which church to join. I say, join the one "God" tells you to join and forget the rest. If you can hear the Holy Spirit telling you where to go, then do it and please the Lord. The trouble is, many people cannot hear the voice of God and depend on "soul power" to make their decisions. Then they say, "God told me to do this!"
There should be no debate on this sacrament. Either you want all of what God has for you, or you want nothing. We have a habit as frail humans. We pick and choose what we want and let the rest go. It's like going to the fruit stand and picking and choosing the best fruit and leaving the rest behind. The only problem with this is, without using the wisdom that comes from above, we will leave behind the most important part and not even know it. We will customize our religion to best fit our preconceived ideas, or let a minister of light brainwash us, and we'll love it. The mission of the Devil is to make you think you are "OK" with the Lord and have a place in heaven, when in fact you are an abomination to the Lord and will spend your eternity in the "Lake of Fire".
Are you sure you don't have the mark of the beast already?
The beast is everything that is against the Lord. The way he thinks and acts is contrary to all that the Lord is. Are you already worshipping the beast by rejecting the Body and Blood of Christ? Can the mark in the forehead be the way we believe in the Holy Communion? Can the mark in the hand be the false cup of symbolism you hold called the Lord's Supper?
Did you know the scripture in the Gospel of John may reveal the mark of the beast. In John chapter 6. Jesus is reveals to His disciples that His flesh and blood is the true food. If you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you will have no life in you. Some of the disciples hearing this said," How can this be?" It became such an issue that many of the disciples walked no more with the Lord. They couldn't believe Jesus could provide a system to give His body and blood in the form of Holy Communion. This scripture is found in John 6:66, As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore.
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Beware, it is a battle for the mind. If the enemy can get your mind, then he has all of you. Only the grace of the Lord can deliver you from the clutches of this "angel of light".
As I have stated in this message earlier, the Passover is a beautiful way to teach the signs and types of Christ as related to the salvation message and deliverance from sin, but I think it should stop there. When the true Passover lamb was sacrificed at Calvary almost 2,000 years ago, Jesus put the Jewish religion out of business. The Lord even split the temple veil from top to bottom to reveal to the Jewish religious leaders that heaven was open to all who would trust in the works of Christ. This is the only way. Some people say this is a very narrow-minded attitude. I say, "So be it!" The way to God may be a narrow path, but it is wide enough if you are on His Highway of Holiness.
Today, when a Jewish family participates in the feast of the Passover, they are renouncing the finished work of Christ and still trusting in the Law of Moses. To trust totally in this feast is an abomination to the Lord. The law was fulfilled completely by Jesus Christ. He has kept every jot and tittle of the law, so we, who could not keep the law even for one day, could hide in Him and be found righteous. We, who by faith are in Christ, have fulfilled the law in our spirits and are pleasing to the Lord. Our problem may be not enough faith in what Christ has done for us, so as to rest in His works. But instead we trust in our works. If you are in Christ and abiding in Him, you are pleasing to the Father. Many times during Jesus's earthly ministry, the Father would announce, "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased", because Jesus was always abiding in the Father's will.
Today, if you are a Messiah-believing Jew and still keep the Passover, ask yourself why? Is not the Passover under the Law? Has not the Law been fulfilled by Jesus Christ? We know the Law is a teacher who leads us to Christ, so why would you participate in something that is only a shadow when you have the real thing now? By this, are you proclaiming Christ's sacrifice was to no benefit and His blood is not adequate for your atonement? The Book of the Revelation tells us those who deny Christ and cling to the law of Moses are of the "Synagogue of Satan". I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Rev. 2:9.
I know these may be hard words to hear for some of you, but I tell you, a true Jew is one who is circumcised of the heart, not of the flesh. What does the flesh profit anyway? It is temporary and will fade like a flower, and if you don't believe this, just visit a nursing home and tell me what you see! What is eternal is the spirit of man and must be in right-standing with God to be acceptable. The Scripture tells us to build up the inner man daily, as the outer man is falling away a little bit each day. When our physical tabernacles fall away in death, will we be found "spiritually bankrupt"? It's like making several deposits into a bank account believing there is a balance, but when you go to the bank to claim your deposits there is a "zero" balance. No matter how much you holler or cry, the bank will say to you, " Depart from me, for I never knew you!" The same applies in the Kingdom of God; everyday we have the opportunity to make deposits in heaven. We can send up gold, silver and precious stones, or we can send up wood, hay and stubble, which are the attitudes we have during the day. What we send up will be tried by fire to see what was of the Holy Spirit and what was of our flesh. Can you guess what will survive GOD's Holy Fire? For our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29.
In conclusion, I would like to relate the story of how I was stimulated into writing this thesis.
One Sunday after the Divine Liturgy, I was sitting with Bishop Haralambos and we were talking about the Jewish Passover. He said to me, "I don't think the Jewish Passover and the Lord's Supper happened on the same day." I got very excited about this statement because I had learned the contrary, that the Lord's Supper was a part of the Passover Feast. So I started to study the Scriptures to find the truth. As I read the four Gospels, I noticed John's Gospel was a little different as he added details about the Passover the other writers hadn't. This is important because John was the only apostle present at the crucifixion, all the others were in hiding. I also received pamphlet called OLOGOS, which is an Orthodox publication where an article of my subject study was written. I was amazed at the content and began my search for the truth of the Lord's Supper and the Jewish Passover. To further get my attention, my family and I were at a local restaurant enjoying a good meal, when I noticed the receipt laying on the table. There was nothing peculiar about the receipt except it had the time of the purchase on it. The time on the receipt read 19:14 which is military time for 7:14 p.m.. Normally this wouldn't mean anything to me, but I had been just studying the passage in the Book of John, chapter 19 verse 14, which says, Now it was the day of preparation for the Passover; it was about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews, "Behold, your King!" This passage revealed it was the day for preparing the Passover for the evening. Jesus was standing before Pilate being sentenced for crucifixion. You see, the night before was the Lord's Supper and now was the order for Christ to be crucified. Later in the evening the Jews would celebrate the Passover, not realizing the true Passover Lamb had been sacrificed on a cross while they ate the shadow or type of the Passover lamb in the meal. I believe the Lord used the time on the receipt to help confirm to me that I was on the right track.
I hope your journey through these words has been a fruitful one. I don't expect to change the whole Christian Church with this message; only to help the ones God has chosen to enter into the "True Doctrine of the Holy Chalice". It's up to the Trinity to draw the faithful. Many are called, but few are chosen. We are accountable for loving the truth. If we do not love the truth, we will believe the lie. Many disciples couldn't hear the truth in their spirits about the Lord's Supper, so they walked no longer with Christ. What camp are you in? Can you believe that Jesus could and would provide a perfect way for communing with Him? Is the bread we eat and the wine we drink a symbol, or is it the actual Body and Blood of Christ????
My final remarks on this subject can be best explained from the Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. He was talking to them about the Lord's Supper and how Jesus had provided it to give us life. In verse 16 of 1st Corinthians, Paul tells us the cup of blessing is the blood of Christ and the bread we eat is the body of Christ. There is one bread indicating only one type of communion that is acceptable to God. We cannot please the Lord if we do not take of the communion properly. This means to believe what the Lord said in John chapter 6 about His flesh being the true food and His blood being the true drink. We are either partaking of the cup of the Lord or the cup of demons; the table of the Lord or the table of demons. This is so serious that Paul warned us if we do not believe correctly, it is idolatry and we have provoked the Lord to jealousy! As a warning, remember, we are not stronger than the Lord.
God Bless
Father Petros Maeyens