by +Hieromonk Dionysios
Repentance, a part of the cycle of forgiveness is indeed a second baptism, for in it are brought forth the fruits of a new life, we are born again, and we part from the old self and seek to live afresh. The past still remains, it is not erased, but rather it becomes transformed, it is no longer something filled with the demons of regret, guilt, and despair, but the past becomes for us a period on which we can reflect for our further growth in the future. The process of repentance cannot happen alone, it must be in the context of community, for sin does not only hurt us, it does not cause a strain in our communion with God, but it injures others as well, it injures the community.
Choices cannot be erased, but they can be revised. This is the power of contrition, confession, and repentance. Genuine heartfelt grieving over our sin gives us a freedom over those choices we made that can never be erased. Contrition can transform us, it can heal us, but not only us for as others see this transformation in our life, they too will be moved in the Spirit of Love, God’s grace will enter and heal the hearts of all that the sin has effected.
Forgiveness is not an immediate act. If it were, we would not be changing ourselves, but rather changing the nature of God. We cannot earn forgiveness, yet we are expected to try our best to rectify a situation, and to grow. God supplies the rest by His grace. Our failures are not our greatest peril, but rather the fear that we may not be able to bring such into the light, that it will always lay hold on us. But by this confession, by this openness, it becomes the doorway by which God can be open to us and shower us with His abundant mercy. We must yield our self sufficiency, and rely on God’s mercy.
True forgiveness cannot be a cheap, sentimentalized thing nor can it be an attempt to earn God’s mercy or the forgiveness of another. Rather, forgiveness must be real and come from within the heart. A broken and contrite heart God will not despise. We must avoid self righteousness and despair as we begin this process of being forgiven. These things become for us something which are also sins against hope, tey are demons which overtake us and shadow the reality that God does indeed cancel a debt that we could never repay. Forgiveness does not stand alone, it is connected to all the other virtues. The surest sign that God has indeed heard our plea for mercy is our transformed life.
The crucified Christ is the ultimate sign of love and mercy- for it was an ultimate act of love. God did not just pity humanity but he enters our life, takes our nature, and suffers with us. Christ through this has now called us to the highest of callings- He has called us to be saints if we would but hearken unto Him.
To forgive is not a weakness, but shows strength and courage, the ability to find healing and later even joy in the midst of sorrows. Through forgiveness, strength is manifested as there is no longer darkness and defeat, but hope. The crucifixion gave way to the Resurrection. Death was destroyed by death.
While we were still sinners, God in His love still loved us, so this must be the model for the Christian, that we forgive those who have sinned against us, that we still love, but most importantly we are willing to offer forgiveness to the repentant. By this love, we are able to give life. Forgiveness is the path to Heaven, for it becomes the second baptism which makes us once again pure, fill us light, prepares us for the Kingdom of God.
Christian friendship replaces vengeance with forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration. God is in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.
Why do Orthodox Christians confess to a priest? Because it is the medicine of immortality. First, realize that the original practice of the Church was to have the penitent confess before the ENTIRE congregation, but this became difficult as the Church grew and thus the faithful went before the priest as the representative of the community. The priest, the representative of the bishop, who a successor to the Apostles, as the authority given by Christ to bind and loose sin, as Christ said, "Whatever sins you loose shall be loosed, whatever sins you bind shall be bound." Therefore as a matter of humility and accountability, one comes before the priest as a witness, standing before the Holy Icon of Christ and asking the Lord for pardon and remission of sins. The priest serves to console, counsel, and encourage the penitent in ways to cut off the sin. Confession is a well of grace. Saint Theophan the Recluse stated, " Judging by the number of those who have fallen away from baptism, one could say repentance has become the only source for true Christian life."
It is easy to say, "Oh, I will just confess alone before God." But this in itself carries a hidden pride- as we still conceal our sins before the world- and sin does not only damage our relationship with the Lord but with our neighbor as well.