This is a prerequisite track that possibly an anointing or gained knowledge takes place relating to the office of a prophet. If there is proof/confirmation that an individual is being called to this position within the five- fold minisrty of teacher, evangelist, pastor, prophet, apostle to work within the apostolic church that jesus established in 33 a .D. The decision will be led by the holy spirit and will require the college staff/instructors to be in agreement.
Non degree
Non-degree track but experienced gain provides the motivation and the end result may include an ordination by the laying on of hands by ceo archbishop +haralambos.
$500.00 regardless if a person is ordained or not ordained and must be paid up front. Refund can be made up to three days after payment is received. A high school diploma is required.
To apply right now, click here. (This is the application for full or part time students).