Cost & Payment Plan
You may want to take FREE courses about the 5-Fold Ministry of Teacher, Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet, and Apostle which is offered gratis. Email us at: Contact Us for more information.
Fast Track Degree Courses are designed for you to be Qualified and Certified as Priest, Minister, and Chaplin in any denomination and you have come to the right place. Why not start today?
A Degree Proves Your Level of Education!
At. St. Michael Academy, we know that the cost of an education is often an obstacle. So is time and inconveniece. And then there is your busy schedule. Are you a mom? Do you have a job? Well, what if there was a way to get a prestigious ecclesiastical degree, in fact the best training on the planet, for as little as $1000 in as little as a year or less from the comfort of your home or local library, or one of our satellite locations? And what if there was immediate opportunity available on completion of your degree? We believe you are going to love us…
All St. Michael Academy courses count as progressive modules toward a degree which you can take at your own pace. Each degree is completed with the successful completion of ten or more modules within a track. Currently, we have our Fast Track Program available online and will be uploading other course tracks over time. (Prices are subject to future increases so it is wise to enter early).
If you would like more information, please complete the short form below.
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