Bible Search

BibleGateway, Crosswalk, OliveTree, BibleScan, StudyLight, BlueLetterBible, SearchGodsWord,, GospelHall, UnboundBible, SearchEngineZ, NTGateWay, BibleMaster, OSIS, Scripture4All, Bibloi,

Syriac: NT British & Foreign Bible (1905), Peshitta OT,, Matthew Old Aramaic,

Ancient Documents

Ante-Nicene Fathers, Josephus, Additional Early Church Fathers Excluded in Ante-Nicene Set (Pearce), Augustine & Chrysostom, Other Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Philo, Bibles Before 1000, Patrologia Greca (Migne) , Safey Son of the HoneyMaker, Ibn Kabar, BibliotechaAugustana,, Fordham MediEval Sourcebook,


Feasts & Saints (OCA), North American Saints (OCA), GOA,, Patron Saints Index , Catholic Information Network, Catholic Saints by Date, Catholic Educators Resources, John Paul II Canonizations, Catholic-Pages, Saints Alive Relic Photos, Jesuits, Augustinians, Carmelites, Hagriography Society, Hagiography Circle, Foxes, Dumbarton Oaks, Coptic Synaxarium, Armenian Genocide, ANI, Medieval Sourcebook, Voice of the Martyrs, StJohnROCA, Acta Sanctorum,

Works of Orthodox and other Eastern Christian Churches

Reference & Resources: School of Alexandria (Malaty), Desert Fathers & Mothers (Inner Light), Theological and Pastoral Treatises (OCIC), Theandros, IconWall,,, Zeitun-eg, Monachos, (ROCOR), (ROC), American Orthodox Institute, Ancient Faith Radio, StJohnROCA, OCnet, Philokalia, Etana, MyrioBiblos, Thesaurus Lengaue Graecae,

Schools: St Athanasius Academy, St. Stevens, Holy Cross, St. Elias, St. Vladimir,

Orthodox: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Women of North America, Brotherhood of St. Symeon, Carpatho-Rusyn Society, Come Receive the Light, EOF, Fellowship of St. John the Divine, FOCA, Friends of Mt. Athos, IOCC, MIT Orthodox Christian Fellowship, National Sisterhood of Presbyteras, NEPA, OCAMPR, OCL, OCLife, Orthodox Christian Chamber of Commerce, Orthodox Christian Mission Center, Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch, Orthodox Heritage, Pokrov Foundation,, Shepherd's Guild, St Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Society, Orthodox Peace Fellowship, Philoptochos Society, SCOBA, Zoe for Life,

Hierarchichal Documents: Canons, Antiochian Dyptich, Constantinople, Moscow, Ukrainian Autocephelous History, SECOB, SEC Origination, SEC Stand, UAOC History, UAOC Succession,

Miscellaneous Articles: Syriac Influence on the Style of the Kuran (Mingana), Orla Pubs, Divine Charisma (Bartholomew I), OCA-OrthodoxFaith,

Primary Orthodox Jurisdictional Web Sites: GOA, OCA, Antiochian, Russian, Carpatho-Russian, ROCOR, RTOC, ROC in Exile, Serbian, Romanian, Alexandrian, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Bulgarian, Georgian, Cyprian,Greek, Polish, Albanian, Czek & Slav, Finnish, Celtic, Estonian, UOC-USA, UOC-MP, Aut-UOCA, UOC in Exile,

Oriental: Coptic , Coptic Pope, Coptic Network, Armenian, Contstantinopolitan, British Orthodox , Cylician, French, Alexandrian, Ethiopian, Egyptian, Eritrean, Syriac,
Eastern Syriac: Jacobite, Indian Orthodox, Malabarian, Reformed Orthodox,
Misc: Phoenecia,

Works of the Roman Catholic Church

Patrologia Latina (Migne), Catholic Culture Library, New Advent, EWTN, Gallica, Scholasticon, Perseus, Siewerth, Rhaner, BSW, Franciscan Archive, Newman Reader,

Major RC Portals:

Eastern Rite Communions:
: Albanaian, Greek, Belarusan, Bulgarian, -Ruthenian, Former Yugoslavian (Croatian) , Georgian, Hungarian, Italo-Albanian, Melkite Greek, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Ukranian
Non-: Armenian, Chaldean, Coptic, Ethiopian, Maronite, Syrian, Syro-Malabar, Knanaya, Syro-Malankara,

Splinter Groups:

Works of the Reformation

AME Encyclopedia, LDS, CCEL, ICL, Hall of Church History, Reformation Ink, Wittenberg Project,, MountainRetreat, Bunyon, Fire&Ice,


Abbott's, Burton, Darby, Davis, Edgecomb, Fourfold Gospel, Geneva Study Bible, Gill's, Jamieson Fausset Brown, Matthew Henry Concise, Matthew Henry Complete, McGarvey's, People's, Ring, Robertson's, Scofield, Spurgeon, Treasury of David, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Wesley's,

Concordances & Topics

Nave's, Torrey's, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, St Nina's, Beth Sapra,

Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Resources

Questia, Easton's, Hitchcock's, Smith's, Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia, International Standard Biblical Encyclopedia, ECOLE, Google, Wikipedia, Armeniapedia, Lexicorient, St. Pachomius Library, OrthodoxWiki, WikiSyriaca, Syriac Resources, Beth Mardutho, Hugoye, Peshitta Lexicon, Syriac Dictionary, Dictionary of Targum Talmud & Midrash, Leiden U., Aram Index, Encyclopedia of the first 1000 years of Christianity, Grace Online Library,, CalvinCollege, Making of America, North American Patristics Society, Furr's FTPs, ETS, IntraText, WorldCat, ChristianForums,,, Crusades-Encyclopedia,

Language Tools,

QuickLatin, TextKit, LearnHebrew(Richman),, Hebrew4Christians, FoundationStone (Hebrew), CartoonHebrew, HebrewVerbConjugator, HebrewOnline, HebrewPhrases, Modern Greek,,, Greek Grammar, NT Greek, Edicode,

Online Interlinear
  Hebrew Scriptures (OT)
  OnlineInterlinear/Greek (NT)


Maps, Illustrations, Graphics & Iconography

SearchGodsWord, Google Images, Christian Flags, St. Olga Icons, LDS maps,, Spread of Christianity,, McGrawHill, HistoricalMaps, MapsForStudents(UNC), QuickMaps, Empire Timeline Map, InteractiveMaps, ClassicalEurasianMaps, UsableNTMaps, PaulMissionaryJourneys,, BiblePlaces, DataFast,

Lectionaries & Calendars

Bombaxo, Coptic Calendar, Roman Catholic Feast Days, Orthodox Christian Feast Days, OCA Lectionary & Menaion, OCA Calendar, Schedule of Orthodox Fasts, Orthodox Psalter, Orthodox Lenten Psalter Readings, Medievalist,,


Ancient Faith Radio, Come Receive the Light,,

World Religions

Penn State, Religion Explorer, Internet Sacred Text Archive,


Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Christian Book Distributors, Conciliar Press, EBay, InterVarsity Press, Light & Life, OrthodoxBooksOnline, Orthodox Marketplace, St. Nectarius Press,

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