Introduces Chivalric Orders.
The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive study into the oldest chivalric order in existence. After reading about the ancient history and watching a multimedia presentation about this glorious and noble order knowledge will be gained and insight on candidacy to apply for an invitation to join.
Degree & Track
There are no prerequisites for this course. Successful completion with a passing grade results in 3 elective credits. If you would like to apply your credits you must first enroll. You may wish to enroll in one of our ecclesiastical degree programs after completing this course. This course may be applied toward an ecclesiastical degree program upon completion.
Cost & Materials
This course is provided free of charge. All of the materials needed for this course are also available online. Guests who are not enrolled may use the following user name and password combination.
Username=guest guest
User password = freepass
Click here to begin