Lesson 1
This lesson of research on Chivalric Orders is by Chevalier Count Sandro Calleja
O.S.S., D. D., Ph.D.
The information provided in this lesson provides a precise overview of the oldest knighthood that exists today. The Order of the Holy Sepulchre has a rich history that includes philanthropic values to support those in need. The two parallel veins of this order involve both the royal inherited bloodline or those of religious devotion who support the purposes and oaths.
The Past History of the Romanoff Dynasty
In Russia during the Romanoff Dynasty there was The Order of Saint Andrew, which up to the year 1917 was still in existence. Saint Andrew, of course, was held in great veneration in Russia as the first (apostle) to preach the Holy Gospel, in ancient SCYTHIA which is the modern Ukraine.
The RURICK DYNASTY, founders of the Russian Nation, had many Chivalric Orders which did not belong to the State, but to the Dynasty. The main ones were: The Order of FAITH, the Order of VICTORY, the Order of SAINT GEORGE and the most famous (order) was the Orthodox Order of the HOLY SEPULCHRE, presently known as the ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE. Because of the importance of this Order worldwide I felt obliged to give it special treatment.