Lesson 1 Part 2
This Glorious Order recalls the eternally valid values of Christian Chivalry, and therefore, it forms part of the historical heritage of religious Chivalric Orders, with a particular significant reference to the most ancient and eminent Greek - Orthodox Order Of THE HOLY SEPULCHRE, one of the first, if not the first, emanating from the Crusaders. This (Orthodox) Order was founded by The Roman Emperor, CONSTANTINE THE GREAT. (hence the Latin name "Ordo Bizantinus Sancti Sepulcri”.) He was the son of Saint Helen who discovered the Holy Sepulchre and found the Holy Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified and died.
Considering the influence of Constantine the Great upon the ecclesiastical matters of the Church, (it) leaves no doubt that this Order was also recognized by the Church, even before the Orthodox (tenants).
It traces its reorganization, however, to the tumultuous period spanning the military and political events of the fall of Constantinople, (Turkey) the capital of the Empire in 1453.
These events severed the bonds between Eastern and Western Christendom, and brought to the fore (front) the political vocation of the Russian Grand Dukes who granted assistance and protection to the wandering and dispersed knights of The Holy Sepulchre. This (act of kindness) included the Orthodox Crusaders who had militated in the Order of Saint Catherine of Mount Sinai since 1063 and who had fought in various Crusades, for the liberation of the Holy Land, and then to (protect) The Holy Sepulchre, from the Ottomans.
The marriage in 1472 between ZOE (SOPHIA) PALEOLOGINA, niece of the last Emperor of , Constantine XI Paleologo, and IVAN III VELICKY (The Great) Grand Duke of Russia also the Head of the Rurick Dynasty, brought to the Ruricks, as the noble bride's dowry, the TITLE of PRETENDER, to the THRONE of and encouraged the absorption of many noble Houses and Chivalric Orders which belonged to her Dynasty. From that time forward the Grand Duke of Russia adopted the TITLE of ZAR meaning CAESAR.
The religious upheaval, provoked by the dissolution of the Empire, led many dispersed knights to seek refuge in the Patriarchate of Alexandria, Constantinople; (the ecumenical Patriarchate), and the (Patriarchate) of Antioch.
Meanwhile, Dimitrij VII Dimitrevic, Grand Duke in exile of the Imperial Rurick House of Russia and DIRECT DESCENDANT of IVAN and ZOE Paleogina, had established himself in ENOS in the OTTOMAN EMPIRE, around 1660. Many dispersed knights gathered around him seeking protection and guidance. The Grand Duke organized and led them with great prudence and wisdom, earning their gratitude and devotion until they proclaimed him Grand Master of the Order. This resulted in the fusion between the survivors of the Greek Orthodox Order of the Holy Sepulchre and those of the Order of Saint Catherine of Mount Sinai.