Free555 - Chivalric Orders

Lesson 2                    Part 1


In 1669 Sultan Mohammed IV Osman granted Dimitrij VII Dimitrevic recognition of his prerogatives and membership of the House of Moscow as Head of the Name and Arms of the Rurik Dynasty.  The Sultan accorded him the title of Bay of Enos and granted hospitality and protection to him, as Head of the House of Moscow, and to His Orders and Cultural Institutions.
Dimitrij VII Dimitrevic incorporated the Order in His House and rendered the Order Dynastic, revising the statutes, and rendering the Grand Mastership (being) hereditary in his family.

In 1671, the Order was recognized by an Edict of ROI SOLEIL.  Meanwhile, the Order consolidated and flourished in various countries in the East and West.

In 1788 Duke Ercole III authorized the establishment of the Order in the Duchy of Modena, granting the citizenship of the Duchy of Modena to the Head of the Imperial House of Moscow and DeJure recognition to His Orders and Cultural Institutions.  On that occasion the Order was confirmed under the Rule of Saint Basil and assumed as one of its principal aims, that of assisting Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Places, recalling the ecumenical spirit of the "EDICT OF MILAN".  Constantine the Great had decreed that freedom of worship (is to) be guaranteed to the faithful of all religions, principally the Christians.

The Order was reorganized 1821, in 1919, in 1943, in 1965 and in 1976.
The officially recognized Coat of Arms of the Grand Duke incorporated the Grand Collar of the Order of Saint Andrew belonging to the Romanoffs.  This proves that even the Romanoff’s House recognized the Grand Dukes of Moscow in all their rights. 

The full title of the Grand Duke DIMITRIJ of Russia is (recited here):
by the Grace of God, ZAR and GRAND DUKE of VLADIMIR, MOSCOW, NOVGOROD, PSKOV, SMOLENSK, TVER, IVGORIA, PERM' and VJATKA; Imperial Prince of ENOS with the Title of BAY and the rang of KHAM; Pritendent SOVEREIGN, never Prejudiced or contested, to the Throne of the Principate of KIEV; HEREDITARY SOVEREIGN GRAND MASTER of the Orders of the Granddukal House of MOSCOW.


1669 - 1688    DIMITRIJ  VII    DIMITREVIC
1688 - 1730    MICHAJL  III     DIMITREVIC
1730 - 1757    VASILIJ    IV     MICHAJLOVIC
1757 - 1787    VASILIJ    V      VASILJEVIC
1821 - 1861    MICHAJL  IV     DIMITREVIC
1861 - 1913    VASILIJ    VI     MICHAJLOVIC
1913 - 1965    DIMITRIJ  IX     VASILJEVIC
1965 -             DIMITRIJ  X      DIMITREVIC


In 1965, Grand Duke Dimitrij X Dimitrevic Di Russia, and as such (is) the hereditary High Patron and Hereditary Grand Master of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, decided to separate the Dynastic succession of the Order. (He did this) because this will belong always and exclusively to the Head of the Grand Dukal House of Moscow - RJURIK DYNASTY, from that of the authorized Grand Master, which could be transferable to other persons for the day to day running of the Order, thus subtracting from the Magisterium the FONS HONORUM and JUS CONFERENDI which can only be transmitted by legitimate succession by blood (JURE SANGUINIS) or by birth to whomever will be the Head of the RJURIK DYNASTY.  The position of authorized Grand Master was given first to the Patriarch Joannes Maria I, PRIMATE of the Primitive Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch; an Orthodox Church of Syro - tradition.  However, when this Patriarch allegedly tried to abuse, or usurp the FONS HONORUM, the Grand Duke, High Patron and Hereditary Grand Master, ipso facto resumed the Grand Mastership of the Order, accusing the Patriarch of Laesa Maesta and therefore ipso facto (the patriarch was) automatically dismissed from the Order.    

In 1986, the Hereditary Grand Patron and Hereditary Grand Master of the Order, after recommendations from the Grand Council, accepted Alfred J. Baldacchino as Authorized Grand Master of the Order with the same conditions as those of the Patriarch.

In 1989, the Vicar Grand Master of the Order, as Vice President of the Magistral Council, recommended in the name of this Council to the Grand Duke to adopt the authorized Grand Master.  The Grand Duke kindly accepted this recommendation, but it turned out that this was legally impossible, and so it never took effect. Authorized Grand Master Alfred J. Baldacchino, again and again abused his position, and therefore the Grand Duke suspended him from the position. In 2001, A.J. Baldacchino was taken by the Maltese Police to the Criminal Court of Justice.

During the proceedings the Grand Duke confirmed in his evidence under oath that Alfred J. Baldacchino was never adopted, and if he was found guilty in any of the indictments, he will be dismissed not only from his office of authorized Grand Master, but also from the Order.

To date, the sentence of the trial is not pronounced; therefore we cannot comment on it as it still is subjudice.  (Recently this has been resolved).
In this circumstance the Vicar Grand Master as is customary, will automatically assume the duty of the Head of the Order until sentence is pronounced. 


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